In addition to the lab spaces and services we can provide for Drosophila workers, the Fly Facility also aims to provide other resources for the Drosophila community, both in Cambridge and beyond. We hope to continue to build this section of our website to create a useful resource for researchers, teachers and others. Please let us know if you have suggestions for additional resources that we might include here.
A Basic Training Package for Drosophila Genetics
- A training manual that introduces key topics including some history of fly research, fly handling, mating schemes, balancer chromosomes and markers, and transgenic technologies.
- A practical training session on identifying gender and markers that involves handling real flies under a dissecting microscope.
- A self-study PowerPoint presentation that guides trainees step-by-step through a Drosophila mating scheme.
- An opportunity for trainees to design mating schemes reflecting routine tasks in a fly laboratory.
The Training Package was described in a paper in G3 journal (Roote J, Prokop A. G3 (Bethesda). 2013 Feb;3(2):353-8). Links to the paper and supplementary material are below:
Drosophila Book Collection
We have collection of Drosophila text books and manuals that can be borrowed from the Fly Facility office (115a).